My tryst with disappointments



this word has become a companion

of most of the people. around. From a tender kid to all grown ups, from a novice to well known all have their own experiences with their multiple dates with “Disappointments”.
My romance with it started at very small age. Disappointment has direct relation with longingness to something, in my case my longingness was a tricycle. With regards to the financial issues at home it was an impossible dream to own a tricycle so enters d villian “Disappointment”.


As the days passed by, disappointment became companion like shadow, sometimes it is felt within inner self (Disappointment with ourself for not being able to honour the expectations). Be it with the scores in exams or any other achievements, dissentment and disappointment always preceeded. Everytime I thought to do something i just got disappointment. Always had a conception that my life is so misorganised and imperfect and could not achieve anything and everytime i faced this there was a stereotypical statement thrown at me “Jo hota hai ache ke liye hota hai”. I don’t understand what so good about disappointment.


In all this hustling and bustling life as a teenager, when i failed in my FY Bcom (One of my top 10 disappointments) i sat and started thinking, only one question kept vibrating my thought “Am I good for nothing?”. I started losing all hopes and confidence. In all this thought process something enlightened my mind, “My Father” he used to drive auto and was giving all his strenght to support our family. I thought he must have also faced disappointments, he must have also experienced all d incomplete expectations no?
so why cant I give my best. I realised that disappointment is an important part of our life. Disappointment only grades the colour of life.
Don’t be disappointed by disappointments”
                                     —Fauwad Sable

10 thoughts on “My tryst with disappointments

  1. “You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”

  2. my bro…u hv passed through d 2 hardest tests on the spiritual road one is d patience to wait 4 d right moment nd other is d courage not to be disappointed wid wat u encounter..b thankful to Allah 4 wat u hv,u ll end up having more.if u concentrate on wat u Dnt hv,u ll never ever hv enough…I ll always wish u to b sucsessful in yr life…love u bro.

  3. Our upbringing is so dis organised till we realize this is the way it has to be and suddenly we find
    its too late and we start running for it and try to cope with it and in process we become strong.
    Top of that if anyone facing financial hurdle life is more difficult.
    Facing all tough stuffs in life you are almost there and will shine soon In sha allah.
    Lets get organised and try to give our next generation good up bringing.
    Best of luck to you bro
    Take care and get ready to enjoy success coming your way in life.

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