Dear Ex Friend


Dear (Ex) Friend,

Hope you are doing well. The reason I am writing this is simply to “thank” you. Thank you for all the memories and fun we shared. Thank you for all the preachings you gave me about all the worldly aspects. Thank you for everything.
Most importantly thank you for being gracious when our equation started to change and eventually it fade away never to return back. Today we don’t hold any grudges against each other or we don’t have time to think about it. Anyways thanks for all the pleasant memories.
Memories where we confided in each other all the personal and emotional turmoils don’t worry they will stay grave secrets. Memories in which there are many late night talks where we talked about life, happiness, sorrows, stars and sun. Memories where we went on dates (yeah friends can go on dates) for movie or just a cup of coffee.
But now we barely talk, well I tried to but cold responses made me realize that nothing is same now and it is perfectly fine. Maybe your things which were broken earlier are already repaired and you are engrossed in its possession. Anyways stay happy, happiness is all that matters.
Thanks to social media, only window to peep in each other’s life though on surface level. Maybe or maybe not you must have noticed I don’t like or comment on your social posts anymore (No grudges) but on receiving cold shoulders quiet a times it doesn’t bothers me much.
So with all these packages of memories and thanks giving, I wish you all the happiness and bliss in life. Stay happy keep smiling.

Yours sincerely
Once your friend

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